Raquel Fernandez

Junior Devops/SRE Engineer

Unlocking Agility and Efficiency: A Guide to Serverless Computing with Google Cloud Platform

Cloud computing has revolutionized application development, and serverless computing is emerging as a powerful force within this landscape. This approach streamlines the process by offloading server management to cloud providers, allowing developers to focus solely on core functionalities.

While the term implies an absence of servers, serverless computing  refers to a development model where server provisioning and management become the responsibility of the cloud provider. Developers write code and define triggers (events) that initiate code execution. This frees them from the burden of infrastructure maintenance,  enabling:

  • Faster development cycles: Focus on core functionalities instead of server management.
  • Improved scalability: Automatic scaling based on traffic fluctuations ensures smooth operation.
  • Reduced costs: Pay only for the resources used, eliminating fixed server costs.

Why serverless computing?

With the exponential growth in cloud computing, an increasing number of companies are opting for Serverless solutions. This style of developing and deploying applications continues to transform the tech industry due to its capacity to accelerate development processes, scalability, and efficiency.

Serverless architecture allows developers to focus on application logic without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Therefore, they are only responsible for programming functions and trigger events. Meanwhile, cloud service providers are in charge of managing the infrastructure, ensuring automatic scaling and billing only for the resources used.

It is worth noting that serverless does not mean there are no servers involved but rather that by adopting this solution, the team gets rid of the responsibility of managing and maintaining the infrastructure, delegating that responsibility to the service provider.

Serverless Tools provided by Google Cloud

Google Cloud stands out as a leader in serverless solutions, offering a robust suite of tools and features for developing and deploying highly scalable web and mobile applications without the necessity of managing servers.

The Google Cloud serverless model scales servers automatically according to traffic and with a pay-as-you-go model: 

  • Cloud Functions: It is a function service that allows you to execute code in response to events (such as HTTP requests, Pub/Sub notifications, or changes in Cloud Storage). You only pay for the runtime of the code, making it a cost-effective solution for short-duration workloads or traffic spikes.
  • Cloud Run: It is a serverless service that allows you to run containers on an infrastructure managed by Google. It is similar to Kubernetes but without the complexity of cluster management. It also adjusts automatically to traffic, billing for the resources used.

Additional Google Cloud Serverless Services:

  • Cloud Storage: Secure and scalable data storage, working in along with Cloud Functions.
  • Cloud SQL: Managed relational database integrated easily with Cloud Functions.
  • Cloud Spanner: Globally distributed database for applications with high availability and scalability requirements.

Benefits of using Serverless Solutions powered by Google Cloud

Among the main advantages provided by Serverless solutions, we can highlight the way in which it allows its clients to save money and accelerate the development of applications.

Google Cloud Serverless clients deploy their applications 95% faster and reduce infrastructure costs by 75%. That is why at Making Science, we use and continue to train with the latest technologies, thus taking advantage of the underlying benefits.

The main advantages provided by this technology include the following:

  • Development in any language: Developers can write code in any language or framework, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, Node.js…
  • Enhanced Developer Productivity: With this architecture, the service provider is responsible for the automatic scaling, updating the operating system, and provisioning the infrastructure. This allows the development teams to focus on innovation and not infrastructure, thereby increasing the company’s productivity.
  • Pay-per-use model: Serverless platforms, such as Cloud Run or Cloud Functions scale automatically based on the number of running instances needed to handle incoming requests. So, when there is no traffic, the service automatically scales down to zero. Therefore, customers only pay for the resources they are using, unlike servers that are constantly running.
  • Usage visibility: The Serverless Model provides visibility into system and usage information, including user times.


In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of serverless technologies. According to a serverless technology survey by O’Reilly in 2019, over 40% of organizations have adopted this serverless technology.

Making Science champions innovation through serverless computing with Google Cloud Platform. This approach streamlines development by offloading server management, allowing our team to focus on core functionalities.  Leveraging Google’s robust infrastructure ensures exceptional quality and performance.  Furthermore, the pay-per-use model optimizes costs, fostering sustainable growth as Making Science stays at the forefront of technological advancements.