Sam BradleySenior Reporter at The Drum“Marketers have begun to prioritize Al credentials in reviews. But most agencies are playing with the same tools. How can they distinguish themselves?
Though it's only been a year since ChatGPT was released, an agency's expertise and capabilities in the Al space have already become calling cards in pitches and reviews. Industry sources tell us that questions about Al have become commonplace from marketers shopping around for their next agency - sometimes displacing queries around an agency's environmental or sustainability chops.
But while legal issues and copyright concerns limit how generative Al tools can be used commercially - and with most agencies having access to the same range of tools - it can be difficult to outline a stance that is distinct from the competition. We wanted to find out how top agencies were grappling with that problem, so we asked them.
How do you solve a problem like ... standing out in the Al race?”
Jason DownieUS chief executive officer at Making Science“We conduct privacy audits/assessments revealing a company's digital privacy tech infrastructure maturity to determine its digital agility and ability to implement GenAI and Predictive Al capabilities. This effort is about activating privacy-preserving technologies that leverage consented firstparty data. Essentially, we help clients collect, store, organize, and activate proprietary data, then layer Al to fill the information gaps. We use first-party data and GA4 to create audience modeling and predict outcomes, improving performance and preparing the business for impending Al regulations. We believe performance and privacy go hand in hand, and we help clients achieve great results while remaining privacy-forward.”
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