What happened to all the data you gathered two months ago from interviews, workshops, and surveys? Users’ behaviors have drastically changed, so the hypothesis you were trying to prove in February is no longer valid.
Is more always better? Some still believe that extensive user research at the beginning of a project is the best approach, when in fact most of this information deprecates as you iterate in each sprint. Inevitably, your users tend to feel different about your product as their reality changes, and the world’s reality has changed. The faster you understand your users’ new problems and frictions with your product, the more effective your solution might be.
How to apply continuous delivery to CX research?
- Simplify your scope based on priorities. Create short 15-30 minutes sessions rather than the standard 1-hour workshop or focus group for example.
- Leave your opinions behind and wear your listener hat. You are not there to show the users how to use your product but to learn what they have to say about it.
- Repeat interaction every two weeks if possible, but not necessarily the same activity. If you started with workshops, maybe you want to do interviews later.
- Mix it up by engaging the same users from previous sessions and adding some new participants. By doing this, you will understand how (if) your users’ reactions evolved in this time period, while you also learn about new user trends.
- Combine this qualitative data with quantitative data from Analytics (if available).
- Convert users’ insights into actionable opportunities to improve your product.
- Include AB testing if applicable and available.
- Implement and launch.
- Collect new feedback to validate your implementation.
- Iterate and adjust the frequency of new CX research and testing to your business needs.
It is paramount to encourage user discussion during your sessions, and constantly try to appeal to the deepest honest emotions. This feedback will define the direction and success of your product. Rival groups and Love Stories are two of the techniques recommended to deeply connect with your existing or potential audience. More about these techniques in future articles.
Making erroneous assumptions should not be the norm. Allow yourself to make mistakes but, Fail fast and Recover faster.