John Seibert

John Seibert

Marketing Specialist

The digital advertising landscape is currently undergoing a seismic shift. Third-party cookies, long the backbone of targeting and measurement, are declining. The rise of the Privacy Sandbox has many marketers scrambling to find alternative solutions. Online advertisers are testing platforms with Privacy Sandbox APIs, and one stands tall compared to the rest: Google’s Display & Video 360 (DV360)

Unlike cookie-dependent platforms, DV360 is built with a privacy-first approach. DV360 offers a variety of alternative targeting and measurement solutions that don’t rely on third-party cookies. This makes it a future-proof option for advertisers navigating the evolving privacy regulations. We will go into more detail on DV360’s performance without the use of third-party cookies and how it compares to the market, unlocking the power of conversion modeling in DV360 to maximize your campaigns performance, as well as how to maximize your return on ad spent (ROAS) with DV360 using optimized bidding.

Google Privacy Sandbox: A Testing Ground for DSP’s

This Google article* highlights that Google has been running experiments using Privacy Sandbox APIs for the web on Google Display Ads and DV360. These experiments had three groups: comparing the use of ads with both third-party cookies & Privacy Sandbox APIs, neither third-party cookies nor Sandbox APIs, and one final group with only Sandbox APIs active. These tests provide a true scope of how viable interest-based advertising is without relying on third-party cookies. While the results are still preliminary, they show promise:

DV360 shows an 86% recovery in advertiser spending compared to the market average, which shows a 60% decrease in publisher revenue without third-party cookies.* 

Although these experiments are in the early stages, same as the Sandbox API, we have a baseline answer for how Google’s DV360 will last without third-party cookies. Although just about every advertiser will be taking a hit without third-party cookies, Google has an answer to minimize the damages.

Conversion Modeling Unlocks Hidden Value

In programmatic advertising, traditional attribution models have limitations. They often struggle to capture the full impact of your campaigns, especially for online-to-offline conversions or complex customer journeys. This is where Conversion Modeling with DV360 steps in, unlocking the hidden value in your campaigns.

As explained in a Google support article** Conversion Modeling utilizes machine learning to estimate online conversions that wouldn’t be directly attributable through traditional methods. This could include conversions happening on other devices, offline interactions, or conversions with a significant delay after exposure to your ad.

Here’s how Conversion Modeling in DV360 benefits your campaigns:

  • More Accurate Reporting: By attributing credit for conversions that might have been missed previously, Conversion Modeling provides a more complete picture of your campaign performance. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimize campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Improved Bidding Strategies: With a more comprehensive view of conversion data, DV360’s automated bidding strategies can be optimized. This ensures your bids are directed towards impressions most likely to result in a conversion, even if it takes time or happens offline.
  • Greater Campaign Efficiency: By attributing credit more effectively, you can identify campaigns that are driving conversions, even if traditional models wouldn’t show them. This allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently and focus on the most successful channels.

Important Considerations:

Conversion Modeling is a powerful tool, but it’s important to use it strategically. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Conversion Modeling is an estimate: While it provides valuable insights, it’s still an estimation. Don’t rely solely on modeled data, but use it in conjunction with your existing attribution models.
  • Data Quality Matters: The accuracy of your Conversion Modeling results depends on the quality of your data. Ensure you have a clean and complete data set for optimal performance.

By leveraging Conversion Modeling in DV360, you can gain a deeper understanding of your advertising impact and unlock hidden value in your campaigns. This allows for more accurate reporting, improved bidding strategies, and ultimately, a more efficient and impactful advertising experience.

Expand Your Reach with Precision Using Optimized Targeting

Reaching the right audience is paramount to a successful advertising campaign. Traditional targeting methods can be limiting, but Optimized Targeting in DV3060 offers a powerful solution. This innovative approach leverages machine learning to go beyond your initial audience selections and identify new, relevant users with a higher conversion potential. 

According to the Google support article*** Optimized Targeting utilizes two key elements:

Audience Signals: These are your initial targeting selections, such as demographics, interests, and custom audiences. These provide a starting point for DV360 to identify similar users.

Real-Time Data: DV360 analyzes vast amounts of real-time data on user behavior, campaign performance, and marketplace trends. This allows it to discover new audience segments that share characteristics with your initial audience and are more likely to convert.

Optimized Targeting offers several key benefits. It expands your reach beyond initial audience selections, finding new potential customers. By focusing on high-conversion users, it boosts campaign effectiveness and optimizes budget allocation. Additionally, it reduces the need for constant audience refinement, saving time and effort while maintaining performance.

Here are some tips to maximize the effectiveness of Optimized Targeting with DV360:

  • Start with Strong Audience Signals: Provide a solid foundation by choosing relevant and well-defined audience segments.
  • Utilize Diverse Data Sources: Integrate data from various sources like Google Analytics and CRM systems to enrich your audience profiles.
  • Set Conversion Goals: Clearly define your campaign goals to guide DV360’s targeting algorithms.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor campaign performance to assess the effectiveness of your optimized targeting strategy.

By utilizing Optimized Targeting with DV360, you can reach more relevant audiences, increase conversions, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals. Utilize DV360’s intelligent algorithms to do the heavy lifting, while you focus on crafting compelling ad creatives and strategic campaign initiatives.

Google’s DV360 positions itself as a formidable force in the evolving digital advertising landscape. Its emphasis on privacy coupled with robust tools like Conversion Modeling and Optimized Targeting, make it a compelling choice for marketers navigating the cookie-less future. While the industry faces new challenges, DV360’s adaptability and performance in Privacy Sandbox experiments demonstrate its resilience and commitment to delivering results. By harnessing the power of DV360, advertisers can not only weather the storm but thrive in this new era of advertising. As Google Marketing Platform resellers, Making Science can help elevate your display campaigns using the full capabilities that DV360 has to offer. Reach out to us today to discuss what we can do for your marketing efforts.

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